Sunday, November 8, 2015

New Diagnoses, New Lessons, and New Work

I've said before how much I love this book but, again, I encourage everyone to read it, particularly anyone facing health challenges.

I recently had a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis added to my list of autoimmune ailments and, though that was expected, it still rattled me a bit.

I picked up my copy of Raw Faith, which Kasey wrote about her facing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and have been rereading it.

In chapter 11, one of her journal entries really spoke to my heart and resonated with me in a new way:

"The longer I sit with Lord in this season of cancer, the more I pray for healing and a miracle, the more I understand one thing: I do not need the Lord to heal me.
What I need is the faith to trust him no matter what happens.
In this, I have begun to realize that great faith is borne in the great unknowns of life."


I started this blog entry over a week ago, after my doctor made me aware of my new diagnosis on November 6th and had saved up to the line above.

Things got busy though, with me trying to make some big decisions about my job, and reducing stress, and what would be best for our family, and praying for the right answers.

I had several interviews set up but ultimately my husband and I were both really hoping that a specific position with a great schedule for me and more time at home that is literally five minutes from my house would work out.

All seemed to be going great when I got a scary call to come back in because the facility is so small that it gives its own drug screens and the one it gave me was defective. 

Per their policy, my application was to be discarded, end of discussion.

However, my future boss said she just knew it wasn't correct and decided to call me back in to to redo it anyway.

Of course, the repeat was fine.

In my heart and down to my toes, I KNOW that is one of those examples of God making things happen that are part of His plan and I am so so thankful.

I will miss my sweet work friends and my patients at my old job but I am so ready for less pressure (and therefore less health problems) and more time with my family.

I am so ready and thankful for this new season.