Monday, June 13, 2016

Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours

I'm not a theologian or any kind of biblical scholar.

I don't know all the "formulas" for prayer that seem to take off in popularity in the Church from time to time.

I sometimes have a mouth that sounds like I just finished a stint in the Navy and tonight I found myself needing to read a weeks worth of my One Year Bible to get caught up because life happens and my quiet time often gets away from me.

I am an abundance of imperfections.

But I love Jesus.

And I wholeheartedly believe every word He said and everything He did and that the way He treated people is the only right way.

So my prayer is always simply "break my heart for what breaks Yours" because I don't want to miss the person in need on the corner or my patient in pain who is trying to be stoic and not telling me or or my friend who is sinking but doesn't want to trouble me because of my health issues.

I want to really see people, like Jesus does.

That prayer often leads to an aching heart but today it is just busted wide open:

The largest mass shooting in American history.

At least 50 people dead.

More than 50 injured.

Even more who were held hostage who will undoubtedly have severe psychological wounds to deal with.

Another terrorist attack by an ISIS extremist.

I woke up to all of this today and was in total shock.

And, then, I saw a statement from the godless idiots at Westboro Baptist Church, saying that God had inspired this attack.

That's right, y'all.

God is now dispatching ISIS gunmen to kill people that the Fundies don't like.

After I saw that, and a few other posts on Facebook that made my blood boil and my brain hurt, I decided that, other than checking CNN for updates on what is actually happening at the scene, I wasn't going to read anymore about it today.

And I haven't.

But I have been thinking and praying about it a lot.

And I have a couple of simple thoughts:

As followers of Jesus, we should be like firemen - running as fast as we can to rescue and bring oxygen - when it comes to providing support to everyone affected by this tragedy. 

As individuals and churches, we should be the first ones in, ready to do whatever it takes to help, without question or condition.


Because that IS loving these people.

That is what Jesus would do.

Honestly, Jesus might well have been inside talking to everyone when it happened were He walking around here in 2016.

Take a reread of the Gospels if you don't believe me.

He loved people. He went to them where ever they were and met their needs. Surely we are to do the same?

This isn't the time for polictical debate or a battle of the bible verses or to be distracted by the external issues.

It is a time to show extra love and compassion and tenderness.

A time for prayer.

A time to share in the pain and grief of many families.


Because it is what Jesus would do.

And it is the very best thing we can offer to victims of this tragedy now.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Tale of Amazing Books - and unmotivated children. . .

As a life-long word nerd, books are among my very favorite things.

I am always in the middle of at least three, and, now that I have discovered Thriftbooks with its free shipping with $10 purchase, I always have more books en route to my house.

I want them all.

So, today, I was looking over my Summer reading list (or at least the first part of it) and it didn't take long for my wandering train of thought to start thinking on my all-time favorites.

After giving it some serious thought, I even came up with the list:

My Favorite Books - So Far (in no particular order)
1. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
2. Love Is A Mix Tape - Rob Sheffield
3. Beach Music - Pat Conroy
4. The Ragamuffin Gospel - Brennan Manning
5. Love Does - Bob Goff
6. The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein 
7. Harry Potter. All of them. (Nerds rule, y'all.)
8. Raw Faith - Kasey Van Norman
9. The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran
10. The Complete Collected Poems Of Maya Angelou
11. Our Town - Thornton Wilder
12. Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
13. Walden - Henry David Thoreau
14. A Simple Path - Mother Teresa
15. All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten - Robert Fulghum
16. New & Selected Poems - Mary Oliver

And there are so many more I love that aren't included here. And the quest continues for my next favorite. . . ;)

And I have my reads for the next several weeks:

This week, I am rereading Raw Faith, getting ready to hear the author speak this weekend (yay!!!) and I also have a collection of Allen Ginsberg poetry and a book about learning the ukulele to add to the stack that aren't pictured.

So I'm all set for a bit.

I LOVE to read.

And I raised my children to love books as well.

I've read to these children from birth. I've bought them countless books. I've encouraged literature in every way.

So what has gone awry?

It seems that none of them have any assigned summer reading, and, despite my encouraging them to pick up a book, I am watching their brains break a little more each day as they watch TV and listen to songs about butts.

Every day I believe they are losing a few IQ points.

If current trends continue, by August, they may not be able to read at all.

I must intervene.

So, what happens to teenagers who ignore their mother's polite suggestions that they read for pleasure?

They get to read against their will.

Painful reading.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, anyone?

Or maybe some Dickens?

For Whom The Bell Tolls should be fascinating to those who passed up the opportunity to choose their own literature.

Oh, and since my daughters truly loved seeing Les Mis, I see no reason they shouldn't both find the novel equally enjoyable. . . ;)

I'm so serious, y'all.

School has been out less than two weeks and not a thought has been thunk by anyone under 21 in our home that I can tell.

So, today, I am going to offer them one more chance to select their own book, begin reading it, and discuss it with me. I'm only going to mention it once.

When I get home from work in the morning, if they have no book to show me, and no thoughts to share, assigned reading it is.

I'll even throw in book reports and red pens for good measure.

It is the only way to stop the madness. ;)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Save Me, San Francisco

It's no secret that we have been having one hell of a time trying to help our oldest child recently.

In addition to dealing with serious mental illness, there have been two separate incidents that she reported, one in the fall and one last month, that are currently being investigated by the proper authorities.

As they are under investigation now, I am not going to give any specifics here, except to say that both alleged incidents occurred when she was where she was not supposed to be, with people she was not supposed to be with.

This has added to our frustration as parents, but, as anyone who has parented a strong willed teenager knows, they tend to find a way to do whatever it is they set their minds to.

I won't pretend I know all of her story and I won't attempt to tell it.

I'm just trying to find the truth in all of this.

And my posts are my part of the story.

And, right now, I am just at the end of my rope with it all.

We have to go in a few hours to give a second statement regarding the May episode and I have really been struggling with it.

I have been looking through the phone I confiscated (that she was not supposed to have) and thinking over what I can recall of her behavior that day.

As it happened, it was a special day for her siblings, with a lot of unusual activity, so I remember more than an average "cook dinner, do dishes, get ready for my shift" type of day.

As I've been thinking through everything and praying about it all, so much has been going through my head.

I have already been through this cycle once, talking to attorneys, social workers, police detectives. . .

I already know the questions that will be asked of me, when I talk to them away from her.

I have no idea what she will say for her part.

It is not up to me and I am not asking.

For my part, I have taken a step back and looked at this through the lens of mental health professional myself.

I've remembered all of my own training and really looked over everything.

I've decided that I am going to have to say some things that my child is not going hear well.

It's not going to be pretty.

But it is the right thing to do and it is necessary.

So I will.

And, since my stress level is this high and it is only June 2nd, I am over Summer Break already.

I am ready to load up my husband, the dogs, and even the cat (because y'all know he loves a road trip), smash our cell phones, and drive cross country to the Golden Gate Bridge, taking in all the sights along the way.

We'll head back in time for football season and try again for a better Fall 2016. . . ;)

Sadly, since running away is frowned upon, Plan B is to survive this meeting and get some sleep when I get home so I can pull through the rest of the work week.

Oh, and I am strongly encouraging everyone I gave birth to to go out of their way to make sure it is a peaceful weekend at Hillside Drive.

And next weekend my mother in love and I have a fabulous conference where we get to hear one of my very favorite writers!

It's going to get better.

I know it.

This morning's schedule just really bites.

Be well and have a good rest of the week, y'all!

Friday, May 20, 2016

Things We Cannot Change

Mumford & Sons
On Instagram, there is a community of autoimmune fighters, all women, who have bonded over daily struggles and cheer each other on and provide support for one another through the things that healthy people sometimes aren't able to understand.

Though we will likely never meet face to face, I am thankful for these ladies. I pray for them and count them as friends.

One friend is a fellow nurse who is a few years younger than I am. She is engaged and has two adorable fur babies.

Unfortunately, she has been horribly sick, staying in the hospital for months at a time, fighting multiple infections along the way, and all meds have failed.

Yesterday, my heart was broken for her when I learned that she has entered hospice care at 35 years old.

I realize, given her health status, that this is the best option for her, but it just kills me that there is nothing more that can be done.

When I learned this, I had just picked up a new insanely expensive medicine in addition to a bunch of my monthly meds at the pharmacy.

I was not happy.

Sometimes it's hard not to be resentful that making healthcare "affordable" for somebody out there has also made it a Herculean task to get all the meds needed to keep me alive and functioning.

After learning the news about my friend though, I just took a moment of pause and thanked the Lord for my wonderful husband providing our insurance, for always being able to get the meds somehow, and that they are working to some degree, even if we haven't gotten to the place we want to be yet.

As I think about my friend, I can't help but remember that she has gone from planning her wedding to planning her memorial service within a year.

I'm not being morbid. It's just reality.

So, as Psalm 90 says, we should number our days and remember how few they are.

Get busy doing life.

Love God and love people.

Write the book.

Take up painting.

Get the ink.

Help everybody you can along the way.

Do the triathlon.

Go back to school.

Whatever it is that has been calling your name forever, the thing you just really need to do, do it.

And don't give a damn what anybody thinks.

The ones who really matter will be cheering the loudest.

Have a happy weekend, y'all. Be blessed. Be well.

Love you, Lyla.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

At Long Last, The Meeting With Dr. T

Yesterday morning, I finally had my appointment at UAB with my new rheumatologist, Dr. Trojanowski.

 I met with him and his fellow, Dr. Neely, and they spent about an hour with me.

If you aren't familiar with what a fellowship is, after a doctor has completed their residency and practiced on their own for awhile, they may choose to do a fellowship for two years in a specialty that they want to become board certified in.

Both Dr. T and Dr. Neely were really approachable, great listeners, and excellent when it comes to explaining their thought process and discussing our options. I felt very comfortable with them.

After taking a through history and examining me, we discussed the treatment plan I have been under, and it seems that several parts of it have been doing more harm than good.

Over the next few months, we will be working towards coming off of the prednisone (Thank God!) and some other meds as well.

We will be keeping the Plaquenil (so I'll never get Malaria - hehehehe) and have increased the Methotrexate (the chemo drug) to the maximum dosage and changed it to an injection that I will give myself once a week.

Changing over to the injection will allow me to get all of the medication (instead of losing 30% of it in the GI tract) and also hopefully reduce some of the GI side effects.

To decide which biologic to add, some additional testing was needed.

Where my previous rheumatologist never did any xrays, Dr. T did 30 at this visit, in addition to drawing 13 vials of blood for labs.

I will go back in three weeks and, based on all these results, learn if we will be adding another injection or an infusion.

I am much more comfortable with Dr. T managing my care and I am confident that we will find the best course of treatment.

For now, I have just given myself my first Methotrexate injection and am beginning to experience the chemo sleepies so it is nap and blankie time for me.
Here's hoping today's side effects are minimal!

Happy Wednesday, y'all!

Monday, May 9, 2016

New Things

I've had several things I've been meaning to do and just never seem to get started on and I've decided there is no time like the present.

Since I should be starting a new treatment plan with my new rheumatologist tomorrow, I'm going to restart a brown rice and veggies diet this afternoon - after I enjoy Mother's Day lunch with my mom. I think it will help and I'll never know if I don't try it.

I'm also going to alternate days between Level One Yoga Meltdown and our elliptical machine for exercise at home:

I think it will help my joints and I know it will help my stress.

But the thing I'm most excited about is this guy:

His name is Bob (as in Marley) and I lub him.

My amazing husband gave me him and a  beautiful guitar as gifts and I plan to learn to play them both. (I also think it's another thing that will keep dexterity in my lil' RA hands as an added bonus.)

Last night, I got Bob down from his stand, tuned him, and started a Pinterest board of Ukelele chords and tutorials and the like.

As I was pinning, what should appear but this guy:
And I was so stinkin' excited. I decided it was a sign from the Lord that it is, indeed, time for me to learn to play Bob. =D

Needless to say, Bob and I can now play and sing Three Little Birds (badly). ;)

Learning a new instrument always sounds terrible for awhile BUT I'm having fun and getting started on my new things and that's what matters.

All prayers, good vibes, and warm fuzzies for tomorrow's appointment are greatly appreciated. It is so important that it go well.

I'm going to do my part to do everything I can to help myself. I'm just praying this doctor wants to work as a team and really listen and do his part as well.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Nursing Is My Jam

This is my 13th year celebrating National Nurse's Day and it has been a wild, wonderful ride for sure.

After I graduated nursing school, I worked my first year as a nurse at Healthsouth Medical Center, with a phenomenal team of nurses.

It was there that I learned how to start an IV practically with my eyes closed, how to pack a Stage Four pressure ulcer and at least make it out of the room before I vomited, how to give patients news that no nurse wants to give, and how to be a strong nurse, no matter what. (Oh, and never to wear lace underpants with white scrubs. ;)

I also encountered a certain well-known sports medicine physician there, who is one of the rudest human beings I've ever met, and learned that not all doctors are created equal.

As much as I loved working there, staffing changes came when UAB bought out the hospital (thank you, Mr. Scrushy) and it was a better choice for me to begin working as an agency nurse at the end of 2004.

With the agency, I got some incredible experience.

I did long-term assignments in cardiology,  endocrinology,  at the state psychiatric hospital, and at the county hospital, to name a few.

Doing a long term contract at Bryce, the state psychiatric hospital, was great experience and helped me really learn to fend for myself as there was often no back up when things happened.

I remember one night in particular that we had a serious incident and I could not get in touch with the Bryce police to save my life so I had to manage it alone.

However, when I was leaving the next morning, the Bryce police appeared to pull me over for speeding on campus. Grrrr.

By the time I got done asking where the hell they had been a few hours before, they decided a warning was sufficient for my speeding.

After Bryce, I did a year assignment at Cooper Green, the county hospital, when they still had inpatient beds.

That experience was unlike any other.

Often, the staff was entirely unconcerned with assisting agency nurses, I was often overloaded with patients, and supplies were extremely limited to say the least.

Every shift I just had to manage.

The absolute hardest day of my nursing career is burned into my brain:

I went into work, signed up for a double.

I was assigned eight patients, I had no nursing assistant so I would be providing total care, two of them had full blown AIDS, and two of them were actively dying. And one of the patients who was actively dying weighed 368lbs and I had no one to help me with him.

During that 16 hour shift, both of the dying patients did and I had to provide post mortem care, notify their families, and take them to the morgue myself, one of my patients with AIDS kept pulling out his IV, causing blood to go everywhere, and creating a biohazardous mess for me, and another patient kept having seizures.

It was the worst damn day.

But I made it.

And, after I made it through that, I knew I could make through anything.

Another agency stop was a long term pediatrics assignment about ten years ago.

The nurse I worked with, Nicole, taught me everything about peds. Nursing friendships are a strong bond and we remained friends through the years:

As it happens, when hell broke loose a few months ago at my previous job, she needed a night shift nurse and she is now my Director of Nursing.

Such a blessing.

All that experience gave me the strength to provide end of life care for my precious grandmother in March of 2014 and I am so thankful I knew exactly what to do for her to keep her comfortable and that I was able to be with her until the very end.

These days, I work night shift in long term care and I love it.

Some nights are quiet, some are crazy busy. We have lots of hilarious moments and some really hard ones. But it's great.

I can't imagine myself doing anything else.

So, Happy Nurse's Day/Week, Everybody!

Here's to many more!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Say No To The Politics Of Hate

I've been so absolutely disgusted with Donald Trump that I really haven't said much - and I've tried not to think about it any more than I have to - since the Alabama primary.

However, it is clear now that he is the Republican candidate for President of the United States.


And, most likely, Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate. But we will talk more about that later.

Looking at Trump, I am appalled that we are here. I don't understand how this many people could have voted for such a mean spirited, cold hearted, bigoted, hate mongering, divisive talking head. But, now it must be dealt with.

Let's take a look at what the world is seeing in one of our presidential candidates:

- In 2013, on sexual assault in the military, he tweeted, "26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military - only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men and women together?" Apparentely, Trump believes that women can expect to be raped when they are placed with men. 

- In 1991, speaking about his girlfriend at the time, "You know, it really doesn't matter what (the media) write as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." We see the value he places on women.

- In 2011, an attorney working for him asked for a break to pump breast milk. He screamed at her, "You're disgusting! You're disgusting!" and left. His new attorney has not denied this. And he wants to be our president.

- In 2015, on Mexican immigrants, "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." Wow. Just wow.

- In 2016, with his ridiculous ego, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn't lose voters." I'm certain he believes this.

- In 2015, "Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States." Of note, he has also mentioned things like using registries. I imagine ISIS is seeing strong growth right now with footage of his antics.

- In 1991, a former employee wrote that he said "laziness is a trait in blacks." In a 1999 interview, Trump admitted that was "probably true." And the KKK is endorsing him. Enough said there.

Oh, and there is this tweet that he later deleted:

There is plenty more where all of this came from but I think you all get my point.

So, after giving it a lot of thought, I've decided that the best option for me is going to be to vote for the Democratic candidate, likely Hillary Clinton.

While I don't agree with many of her positions and she has her own baggage for sure, this time I'm much more concerned with voting against this Trump nightmare.

We cannot be the country of hate, of prejudice, of demeaning.

We do not ban people based on their religion.

We do not create registries.

We are NOT that country.

So, we must each say "NO."

Even if that means voting in a way we would ordinarily not have voted.

I feel there is a much bigger issue at stake in this election.

So I have made up my mind.

Again, I can't believe we are here but here we are.

One of them has to win.

We can't let it be him.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Saying Goodbye to Doctor Wrong

Over the past few months, my Rheumatoid Arthritis has been worsening significantly.

We've had major life stress, that has kept me in a constant state of flare, which means that, in addition to majorly impacting my daily life, joint damage is always occuring.

For those unfamiliar with the disease, RA, left unchecked, is a beast:
It has to be managed aggressively to prevent bad outcomes.

The rheumatologist I've been seeing for the past two years, now and forever to be known as Doctor Wrong, is near retirement and very conservative. He has attempted to manage my disease with Plaquenil and methotrexate (both older drugs) primarily, as well as a handful of other meds for pain and inflammation. Oh, and prednisone. Always with the prednisone.

However, each I see him, he is reluctant to start any of the newer biologics, citing my labs or my insurance or the weather or whatever else has come to mind at that particular visit.

At my visit this past Tuesday, though, we were supposed to start one.

So, even though I had an appointment for a second opinion in June, I went back to him, armed with a list of all that has been happening to me recently, all of my recent ER visits, all of the shifts I've had to cover at work due to my illness, and all of the high dose prednisone tapers I've had to take just to keep walking.

And, of course, the flare was still with me as well.

He came in and asked me what has been going on.

And I brought him up to date:
- My lower spine never stops hurting on at least a 5/10 on the pain scale.
- I've fallen twice in the past month, when my ankles just give way with no warning.
- My knees have gotten so painful and inflamed that sometimes they won't even bend.
- My hands throb, get stiff, won't open things, drop things, and are much larger than they used to be. Oh, and I have the RA nodules too.
- I had a flare in my ribs. That was not fun.
- My hips join in the party some days too.
- The fatigue that comes with this is debilitating at times (I slept until 8 PM tonight involuntarily).

And the symptoms have been persistently worsening.

I was in tears by the time I finished telling him everything, despite trying to keep myself together, because I am so frustrated. It is past time to be aggressively managing this, and, when we aren't doing so, damage is occurring. 

After I finished talking, he rolled over in his chair to look at my knees and I jokingly said, "We're going to have to replace these guys if this keeps up." I was JOKING.

He looked at them, moved them around, and said, in all seriousness, "We're not quite there yet."

And then casually wheeled back to his spot.

I could have hit the floor.

I immediately said, "So, we are starting the injection today, right?"

And he said no, we need more labs and to check insurance. AGAIN.

And then we would start it.

So, in his mind, all the symptoms I've had plus knees that are bad enough to even think in the direction of a replacement at 37 still don't constitute an emergency that requires immediate action to stop this process before I get any worse.

He sent in my refills on my regular meds and I got the hell out of there because I was about to lose it.

In fact, when I got to my car, I did lose it.

With my new rheumatologist appointment not until June, I was freaking out, trying to decide what to do to get some help.

When I got back to Hueytown, I ran into our PCP's office and explained to the referral clerk what had just happened and asked her if there was anything she could do to help me.

While I stood there, snotty and looking like a crazy person I'm sure, she called around and worked some serious magic.

She got me in at UAB on May 10th, as I waiting, which is nothing short of a miracle. Rheumatologist appointments are hard to come by and NEVER come that quickly.

I am so so incredibly thankful.

I am confident that in 10 days I will begin aggressive management of this disease, probably in addition to my Plaquenil and methotrexate, and Doctor Wrong will be a bad memory.

I didn't write this just to vent though.

If I have had this much difficulty getting help, as a nurse who is familiar both with the medication needed and with navigating the healthcare system, I can't imagine how challenging it must be for people who are facing serious illnesses with no medical background.

So, I have a few thoughts for dealing with a bad doctor situation:

First, you don't EVER have to keep seeing a doctor. Whether it's because they don't listen to you or (like me) you've gone for awhile and they refuse to make changes or even if it's something as simple as not getting your calls returned, if the relationship is not working, you need a new doctor.

Second, you may have to try several avenues to get the help you need. I've had to really chase this referral to finally get in at UAB - because our healthcare system isn't terribly pro-patient - but, eventually, you will find what you need. Don't give up. Enlist a nurse or doctor friend to help you. They will likely have some ideas that you may not have thought of.

Lastly, you know your body better than anyone. If you know something is wrong, insist on help. And insist on it right away. Don't worry about being pushy. It's your body and it's the only one you have. Never let someone tell you it's nothing when you know that it isn't.

The more I've thought about Doctor Wrong, the more I wonder if he wasn't as desperate to be aggressive because he views some of the bad things (like knee replacements) as inevitable. For all I know, they may be, but, even so, I will do all I can to be as healthy as I can. And I insist on having a doctor with the same attitude.

And, if knee replacement day does come, I want rainbow colored knee braces, a leopard cane, and a three month supply of sea salt gelato in the freezer.

And I'll push through that too.

Without the help of Doctor Wrong, thank you very much.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Writers Write.

It has been been one hellava month around here with ER visits, hospital admissions, crummy rheumatologist appointments, sick kids, days off work. . .

So, tonight, after everyone was settled, I finally sat down to listen to a three hour writing intensive that I have been looking forward to for quite some time.

Three hours of the writing process, suggestions for my blog, recommended book lists, pages of notes, and more information to follow in the online group in the coming weeks.

All a much needed break, and I'm now a happy little word nerd, who is about to head to bed.

However, one of many takeaways from my class is that I will be writing and posting at least two or three times a week from now on, even on busy weeks and even when the posts aren't exactly how I want them to be.

 Even if the writing isn't perfect, writers write. And often. So, here we go.

Be well, and have a great Thursday, everyone!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Song Remembers When

I may be the only person in the world who can recall the old Trisha Yearwood song from the early 1990's called "The Song Remembers When." It was actually a great song and it popped into my head the other day, when I was reading one of Trisha's FB posts (yes, I still love her) about Prince's sudden passing and realized she is sharing a lot of the distress I've been feeling about it.

I have been surprised by how upset I've been by Prince's death. It has really rattled me, left me feeling a little gutted even.

All of my life, I've been a music lover, both as a listener and singing in choirs and musicals when I was younger, taking seven years of voice and piano, the works. . . To this day, I can still explain most things best in song lyrics.

When it comes to Prince, I love lots of his songs but Purple Rain has been with me since I fell in love with it when I was 13 years old. It resonated with me, it became my dance song, I know every word, and it holds 24 years of good stuff for me. And I just can't believe Prince is really gone now.

Like all of our most favorite songs, the song does remember when.

During my time sitting and thinking about Prince and Purple Rain and all of the songs I love most, I started making a list of my very very favorite songs. 

My thought was a top ten most favorite songs list, kind of a mix tape of my life, songs that all matter to me in some big way, for one reason or another.

Well, I was finally able to narrow it down to 16, but that's as far as I can go. There are none left I'm willing to part with.

Of course, there are my way back loves like Purple Rain and Me and Bobby McGee.

But also several new but equally loved songs like:

- the Miranda Lambert song that was SO amazingly perfect to put on our wedding mix CD we gave as a guest favor. The first time I heard it, I knew it was exactly what I meant to say to my husband.

- the Ben Rector song that just floored me after my first really scary run-in with this autoimmune business.

- the Foo Fighters song that made me pull over my car when I heard it the first time:

One of these days, the ground will drop out from beneath your feet
One of these days, your heart will stop and play it's final beat
One of these days, the clocks will stop and time won't mean a thing
One of these days, their bombs will drop and silence everything.

Unexpected and unsettling from my usually upbeat forever geek crush, Dave Grohl. 
But true.

As an aside, since I have some new readers from Instagram who don't know me personally (and thank you for reading!), I should tell you that my Dave Grohl love runs so deep that our oldest dog is named Dave Grohl - and we didn't even change it when we found out she was actually a girl and just too young to tell when we got her:

Dave Grohl the Puppy and Our Youngest Daughter, Sara

But I digress. =D

So, for my list:

My Ten 16 All Time Favorite Songs (in no actual order)

1. Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin
2. When A Heart Breaks - Ben Rector
3. These Days - Foo Fighters
4. Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones (but The Sundays version is my current favorite)
5. Oklahoma Sky - Miranda Lambert
6. Purple Rain - Prince
7. Desperately Wanting - Better Than Ezra
8. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley (but the Rufus Wainwright version is much loved too)
9. Mad World - Gary Jules
10. The Man Who Sold The World - David Bowie/Nirvana. I love, love, love Nirvana's Unplugged version of this song but there will never be another Bowie either.
11. Milwaukee - Stephen Kellogg & The Sixers
12. Murder In The City - The Avett Brothers
13. Thunder Road - Bruce Springsteen
14. Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) - Don McLean
15. Waiting for My Real Life To Begin - Colin Hay
16. Give Me Novocaine - Green Day

After I made my little mix tape list, it reminded me of a quote in one of my favorite books, Love Is A Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield: 

I have built my entire life around loving music, and I surround myself with it. I'm always racing to catch up with my next favorite song. But I never stop playing my mixes. Every fan makes them. The times you lived through, the people you shared those times with - nothing brings it all to life like an old mix tape. it does a better job of storing up old memories than actual brain tissue can do. Every mix tape tells a story. Put them together, and they add up to the story of a life.

So far, the story is looking pretty good I say, and I'm looking forward to all the rest.

As it happens, I'm also fond of ink and I got the Kanji symbol for music tattooed on the inside of my left wrist several years ago:

Awhile back, I considered covering it, only because I get tired sometimes of trying to explain it to people when they ask.

I'm glad I didn't now though.

Now. it looks like seven years of voice and piano with my sweet grandmother driving me there until I was old enough to take myself, voice competitions and awards, learning large parts of Les Mis, Cats and Phantom of the Opera, hundreds of concerts attended, dozens of record shows with my dad, 16 favorite songs, and the ongoing search for the next addition to the list.

All good good things.

All my heart.

Rest easy, Prince.

Thank you for the music.

You will be missed but know that we are all still listening on.

Monday, April 11, 2016

A View From The Psych Pod

Our oldest daughter, Laura, is diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has been in the hospital four times over the past few years:

Of course, that is a serious diagnosis, but, honestly, as a parent, her illness had not escalated to a point where I imagined it might change the course of her life.

She is still very young, and it was my hope that, with medication management, things would stabilize after her teen years.  

I guess I was living in denial.

Until a few weeks ago.

Over Spring Break, several high risk behaviors she had been engaging in came to light and we were so upset.

At the same time, her behavior was escalating again.

By Friday, April 1st, we decided she was going to have to go back to the hospital.

Unfortunately, as I was preparing to take her, she took a massive overdose of one of her medications and had to be rushed in by ambulance.

That night was one of the worst of my life.

Her vitals were all over the place. At one point, we couldn't wake her up. It was just horrible. . .

When she finally recovered from the overdose, there was not an adolescent psych bed available anywhere in the state, so we spent the whole weekend locked in the psych pod of the Children's Hospital ED:

We were there from Saturday morning until Monday morning, when Laura was transferred to Mountain View in Gadsden.

Since she has been at Mountain View, they have increased her medications tremendously with some success, they have had to give her Thorazine to manage some of her episodes, and I have finally started to accept that Laura is living with an SMI (Serious Mental Illness) Diagnosis that will be a major part of her life.

Because this admission seems to have brought a significant change in her, we are realizing that we have to also make some new plans for her when she is discharged:

- She will not be returning to her school and we are scrambling to figure out what will be best for her now.

- Of course, after a serious suicide attempt, we are having to rethink her schedule (we do not want her to be alone) as well as things she has access to in our home.

- I haven't been happy with her psych team previously. I am hoping to continue care with her psychiatrist through Mountain View and perhaps see a counselor through our church? Since our previous team obviously wasn't working, I'm going to just start over.

- She will not be allowed to associate with her old friend group as she was making some very poor choices with them. This will be a challenge.

- I will be looking in to what additional resources are available to help her. She needs all of the support she can get.

I worked as a psych nurse for quite some time and I'm familiar with the meds and the behaviors and even the progression of the illness if it isn't controlled but it's been a major adjustment to accept that these things apply to my Laura.

She seems to have rapid cycling bipolar which is the most difficult to treat because this is their typical day:

It also makes it challenging to live with them, as their moods are constantly changing from one extreme to another.

I am hopeful that the med adjustments that are being made in the hospital will help her as they have more than doubled her mood stabilizer.

They have also tripled her antidepressant which will hopefully prevent another April 1st from EVER happening again.

So now we wait and plan and search for help and pray and pray and pray.

Be well, friends.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Painful Season

The past several weeks have been the worst I have experienced since I was diagnosed with RA.

It started with a flare that just kept worsening and finally led to an ER visit last Friday where they hit me with the garbage truck full of steroids (of course) and also discovered an electrolyte imbalance that had to be treated.

Oh yay! 

I really thought treating the imbalance along with all the IV and oral steroids would knock out the flare but it came roaring back this week.

I went in for shots on Thursday and, though they helped some, they didn't give the relief they usually do.

In the middle of that, I've been fighting off a regular people sickness and I'm sure that isn't helping.

Like most chronic illness patients, I don't want to be a broken record so I try not to complain all the time but this is THE worst pain, fatigue, and stiffness I've had.

In addition to making me miserable, it's frustrating the hell out of those around me and who can blame them. No one should have to put up with this.

All that said, I found myself feeling despondent this evening. It's overwhelming at times.

But I've taken some time to pray and read and think about what to do next.

For starters, I think it is time to insist on a second opinion with my rheumatologist. He is wonderful but he is very conservative and tends to rely on older methods. That's fine but, at this point, I want to exhaust EVERYTHING before I accept that this level of flare is just something I'm going to have to live with. I'm going to ask to be sent to UAB on Monday.

I'm also going to add my elliptical and yoga back into my daily plans even when I'm flaring to help control my stress level. It has been a tearful several weeks as well and I'm sure that isn't making this any better.

Finally, now that I have my plans set for Monday to deal with doctors, I am going to enjoy a beautiful Easter with my family.

I am so glad it is here!

Have a Happy Easter, everybody!