Monday, June 13, 2016

Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours

I'm not a theologian or any kind of biblical scholar.

I don't know all the "formulas" for prayer that seem to take off in popularity in the Church from time to time.

I sometimes have a mouth that sounds like I just finished a stint in the Navy and tonight I found myself needing to read a weeks worth of my One Year Bible to get caught up because life happens and my quiet time often gets away from me.

I am an abundance of imperfections.

But I love Jesus.

And I wholeheartedly believe every word He said and everything He did and that the way He treated people is the only right way.

So my prayer is always simply "break my heart for what breaks Yours" because I don't want to miss the person in need on the corner or my patient in pain who is trying to be stoic and not telling me or or my friend who is sinking but doesn't want to trouble me because of my health issues.

I want to really see people, like Jesus does.

That prayer often leads to an aching heart but today it is just busted wide open:

The largest mass shooting in American history.

At least 50 people dead.

More than 50 injured.

Even more who were held hostage who will undoubtedly have severe psychological wounds to deal with.

Another terrorist attack by an ISIS extremist.

I woke up to all of this today and was in total shock.

And, then, I saw a statement from the godless idiots at Westboro Baptist Church, saying that God had inspired this attack.

That's right, y'all.

God is now dispatching ISIS gunmen to kill people that the Fundies don't like.

After I saw that, and a few other posts on Facebook that made my blood boil and my brain hurt, I decided that, other than checking CNN for updates on what is actually happening at the scene, I wasn't going to read anymore about it today.

And I haven't.

But I have been thinking and praying about it a lot.

And I have a couple of simple thoughts:

As followers of Jesus, we should be like firemen - running as fast as we can to rescue and bring oxygen - when it comes to providing support to everyone affected by this tragedy. 

As individuals and churches, we should be the first ones in, ready to do whatever it takes to help, without question or condition.


Because that IS loving these people.

That is what Jesus would do.

Honestly, Jesus might well have been inside talking to everyone when it happened were He walking around here in 2016.

Take a reread of the Gospels if you don't believe me.

He loved people. He went to them where ever they were and met their needs. Surely we are to do the same?

This isn't the time for polictical debate or a battle of the bible verses or to be distracted by the external issues.

It is a time to show extra love and compassion and tenderness.

A time for prayer.

A time to share in the pain and grief of many families.


Because it is what Jesus would do.

And it is the very best thing we can offer to victims of this tragedy now.

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