Saturday, February 13, 2016

An Open Letter To Bill Maher - Because Some Things Need To Be Said

Dear Bill Maher,

When I saw this tweet of yours in response to an ad during the Super Bowl for a medication to treat Opioid Induced Constipation, I can't say I was surprised. It really is what I expect of you. And that's fine. It's your thing.

But I have a few things I need to say as well.

See, at 37, I live with chronic pain.

I have rheumatoid arthritis. It is autoimmune and often flares without warning. When it does, it greatly affects my quality of life.

In addition to meds that try to control my pain, I am on long-term Plaquenil therapy and chemotherapy, both of which I take faithfully.

I am also on steroids to control my pain, despite the fact they aren't great news for my body in the long run. I prefer taking them for inflammation to having to take high dose opioids.

Altogether, my morning med regimen includes 17 pills, counting supplements.

Without my full medication regimen, I could not take care of my family.

I could not work in my job, that I love, as a nurse.

Some days I could not get out of bed.

So I wonder, when you randomly spout off, if you know about people like me?

I am not a junkie.

I wonder if you know that the suicide rate among chronic pain patients is three times as high as that of the healthy population?

Often, they don't get the help they need.

Often, they are treated like drug seekers.

So they go on until they can't anymore.

They were not junkies.

I wonder if you realize that about 8 million people in this country are on prescribed opioids for chronic pain?

Of course, as in any group, there are some who are misusing them, but surely you don't imagine that the majority of these people are junkies?

I am not angry and I don't wish anything terrible come your way, though, honestly, my younger self likely would have.

Rather, I hope that you develop a sense of understanding and empathy for the suffering of others.

Even if you don't, know that I will still offer it to you when you find that you are not, in fact, invincible.



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